The need for accounting, financial, or economic testimony in commercial analysis cases cannot be fully described on this Webpage. Each case is different, whether for lost profits or determination of the value of a business for sale or inheritance value. Some of the commercial analyses Vocational Economics provides are listed below:
- Breach of Contract – Analysis of the potential profit a party would have received had the contract been completed as planned.
- Business Interruption – Analysis of lost profits suffered due to stoppage of all or a portion of the business for some period.
- Tortious Interference / Outrageous Conduct – Quantification of lost profits when the act of one party damages the ability of another to (fully) continue his or her business. (An example would be filing of fraud charges against a CPA, damaging his/her reputation and book of business.
- Fraud – Assessment of loss when one party has misled another in order to misappropriate all or a portion of the second party´s business.
- Business Valuation – Determination of the value of a business for divorce settlements, partnership agreements, etc.